Einsamkeit (Loneliness), version for medium voice and piano, op. 97 nr. 3

Text by Mask Force Bern (2020)
Dedicated to those for whom ‘we have been doing all this’, so far

Voor hen doen we het allemaal’ (It is for them that we are doing all this), the Dutch prime minister said in March 2020, referring to the elderly, society’s most vulnerable people, when he announced the stern government measures that he said needed to be taken, justified by the corona pandemic situation.

A number of months earlier, my then 89-old father in law had been taken into the care home in our little village, so my wife and the rest of our family could visit him or bring him to our home as often as we liked. As a result of the government measures however, this was no longer possible. Living only 500 meters away from us, he was not allowed any visit whatsoever, ‘for his protection’. Only when he was on his deathbed, nine weeks later, first my wife and then also his other family members were allowed in his room again.

This is one of the reasons why the text, written for the manifestations of the Mask Force Bern, that popped up in various countries in November of the same year, strongly appealed to me. I decided to rearrange it in such a way that it would be suitable as a song text and then set it to music. May this song contribute to the same noble cause as the Mask Force Bern manifestations: to make the world a better place.


Ganz alleine sterben lassen
ist erst Nächstenliebe.
Wahre Freiheit findet statt
in der Isolation.

Impfung, das ist Nächstenliebe.
Nähe vermeide man für immer.
Opfert alles der Hygiene.
Bleib allein in deinem Zimmer.

Trennt euch von den Gefährdern!
Schützt die Ungeborenen!
Verzichtet auf ihre Zeugung!
Schütze deine Allerliebsten.
Lass sie gar allein.
Sei auf immer gehorsam,
sei auf immer gehorsam. 

Kontaminierung vermeiden.
Absolute Keimfreiheit,
absolute Keimfreiheit.
Körperkontakt schafft Leiden.
Sicher ist nur Einsamkeit.

Maskenpflicht für Neugebor‘ne.
Unser Atem tötet.
Wirklich sicher bist Du nur
in der Isolation.

Impfgegner sind zu entrechten.
Fügt euch der Normalität.
Maskenleugner soll man ächten.
Das ist Solidarität. 

Verratet eure Nachbarschaft!
Regelbrecher an die Wand!
Gefährder in die Einzelhaft!
Selber denken gefährdet
das Allgemeinwohl.
Sei auf immer gehorsam,
Sei auf immer gehorsam.

Kontaminierung vermeiden.
Absolute Keimfreiheit,
Absolute Keimfreiheit.
Kontaminierung vermeiden.
Absolute Keimfreiheit,
Absolute Keimfreiheit.
Körperkontakt schafft Leiden.
Sicher ist nur Einsamkeit.
Sicher ist nur Einsamkeit.
Nur Einsamkeit.


To let die all alone
is real charity.
True freedom takes place
in isolation.

Vaccination, that is charity.
Avoid closeness forever.
Sacrifice everything to hygiene.
Remain alone in your room.

Separate yourselves from those who seek danger!
Protect the unborn!
Renounce their procreation!
Protect your most loved ones.
Leave them alone.
Be always obedient,
be obedient for ever. 

Avoid contamination.
Absolute sterility,
absolute sterility.
Physical contact creates suffering.
Only solitude is safe.

Masks compulsory for new-borns.
Our breath is lethal.
You are only really safe
in isolation.

Opponents of vaccination must be stripped of their rights.
Submit to normality.
Mask deniers are to be outlawed.
That is solidarity.

Betray your neighbourhood!
Rule breakers against the wall!
Those seeking danger are to be put in solitary confinement!
Thinking for yourself endangers
the common good.
Be obedient forever,
Be obedient at all times.

Avoid contamination.
Absolute sterility,
Absolute sterility.
Avoid contamination.
Absolute sterility,
Absolute sterility.
Physical contact creates suffering.
Only solitude is safe.
Only solitude is safe.
Only solitude.


The sheet music of this Lied can be viewed and downloaded here (high voice) and here (medium voice), free of charge.

There is also a version for high voice and piano.